Connecting buyers & suppliers globally

Placing a bid on MESH Marketplace is an easy way for buyers to receive quality supplier inquiries. Buyers will receive notifications to approve suppliers for bid access at any time there is a response to the bid.

Are you looking for suppliers?​ suppliers?​

Looking to Earn New Business?

Share your factory’s skills, capabilities, processes, and equipment with a MESH Supplier profile to gain exposure to potential customers & metal manufacturers searching for suppliers.

Over $1.2B was quoted between MESH buyers and suppliers in 2023.

MESH Works - Cloud based Sourcing & Procurement tool.

Customers Around the World trust MESH!

See MESH Works in Action

MESH Works - Ultimate Sourcing Solution
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Finding and qualifying new suppliers globally is difficult and time consuming.

We Make it Simple Effortless Seamless |

MESH Works - APQP Project Management - Sourcing, Procurement

How MESH Works can help your Procurement Sourcing Sales Engineering team

Supplier Management

Collaborate as suppliers & buyers in one place to reduce the burden of supplier management

Digital RFQs 

Eliminate Excel & emails for sending RFQs and price comparison

BOMs & Assemblies 

Manage large BOMs through the system to find suppliers, get pricing and see project totals & estimates within seconds

Find New, Qualified Suppliers

Spend less time on validating suppliers by using MESH Sourcing Audits

Get the Best Prices  

Drive cost reductions by placing Public Bids to allow you to crowd-source feedback on RFQ’s/bids from the 3,000+ supplier database globally)

MESH Works - Global Sourcing

Find new potential customers

Create your MESH Supplier Profiles with capabilities to improve your visibility to potential buyers

Win New Business  

Respond to quotes with the best pricing for a chance to win new business

MESH Works - Global Sourcing - Supplier Profile

Digital APQP

Make managing APQP easy with default, ready-to-use templates for project tracking, milestones/tasks, approvals, checkpoints and more

NPD Management  

Collaborate with different stakeholders all in one place and easily access via desktop OR mobile

Incident Management 

Simplify visibility, tracking and the closing of incidents automatic  with Digital 8D & CAPA

MESH Works - APQP Project - Gated Management
MESH Works - Online sourcing, procurement, quality management tool


Come for the tool. Stay for the network.

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