Audited Database of qualified manufacturers for contract manufacturing
Are you looking for suppliers?
What's in our database?
- 3500+ Registered Suppliers
- 2700+ MESH-Audited Suppliers
- 40+ Countries
- 30+ Materials
- 30+ Commodities
- 20+ Manufacturing Processes
Features & Benefits
Database of 3100+ Metal Manufacturers
MESH Sourcing suppliers span across 40+ countries, 25+ commodities, and 15+ manufacturing processes.
Need new suppliers? We'll find them!
Our MESH sourcing specialists continuously search for new quality suppliers across all commodities, processes, and regions.
Access to Supplier Profiles
Information on testing, design & engineering capabilities, manufacturing processes, and specific equipment information.
**ALL validated by MESH Auditors**
No Cost Visibility to Buyers
You create your profile for free and share your capabilities and plant information with hundreds of buyers globally looking for metal components.
No Cost MESH Supplier Audit
45 question sourcing audit on your plant and capabilities which becomes your rating to be seen by buyers.
New Sales and Business Opportunities
Buyers are looking for all kinds of components from all over the world. $884 million was quoted by MESH buyers in 2023. Join if you want a chance to win some of that business.